Monday, 26 December 2011

Bohemian Transformers!

Allo' the Internet...

heres a couple of comics from me sketchbook, on the left "Bohemian" was drawn last week, on a tuesday I believe... and on t' right "Transformers" I drew a few hours ago... Boxing day is a good time to doodle away...

But... Merde! the six pager Abes working on for his internship has gone to crap...  I cant actually draw right, right now. If you catch my drift... thats why all the single page sketchbook comics... I figured it best go back to a place Im comfortable with before I attempt the anthology piece again...

Attempting to draw the anthology piece reminded me of the frustrated feeling I used to have  with my drawing back in me mid-teens.  Before I became comfortable with the way my hands produced images differing from what the blank sheet proposed to my mind... Ah ha!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Cleethopes, oh Cleethorps

Howdy, 'ternet folks!

Havent posted for a wee while (seems a recurring theme in these posts hmm?) so heres a comic from my sketchbook, can be read a a two pager or as two one page stories... walking far away from Cleethorpes along the beach... you hit spots of radient beauty. 

The trick is to walk an hour or so. Try it on a seaside town near you, In Abes experience it usually works.

Visited Belgium last week with the other comicy 'turns... and in amongst a hectic schedule, dashing all round the country... managed to get ahold o' Lupus by Frederik Peeters! ah ha! untranslated, but hey pictures & words... pictures and words. 

Thank you to Captain 'Anonymous', who pointed me in the direction o' Louis Armstrongs (What Did I Do To Be So)  Black & Blue...

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Doodles, Drawings etc

Been a'working in a petite way over the last week, after the extreme bout of drawing last week...

But above is a coloured rough for the six page story Abe's making for the londonprintstudio anthology, the six pages will be an excerpt from the graphic novel Abe's working on... at the moment just writing and thumbnailing so t'is a nice change to draw up some roughs...

In other news... 

Made it to twenty-five pages with this comic... in but seven days... tis most assuredly a record for young (well...quite young) Abe. It's a highly emotionally charged piece... but told through hyper masculine supermen... Ho humm.

pretentious eh?!