Tuesday, 12 May 2015

I put something on the internet, just like the rest of this goddamn world does, now Im off to read poetry in the sun.

In the end printers were making me blue, plus its not really anything deserving of physical immediacy... blah blha bsla. You can see it over HERE


Anonymous said...

hooray. but it'd be nice to see it in paper, too...

Nervousinacape said...

Yup, alas, I don't think its going to happen with this one.. I dont have access to Indesign and I don't wanna shell out the funds for it, so most printers are unfortunately off limits to me. instead I reckon i'll draw more with basic printing in mind for the future and spend the money on a printer, do it myself.

we'll see.

I guess I've never needed more then 20 copies of my comics anyhow (demand is low :-) ) so it may end up cost effective anyhow...