Friday, 11 January 2013

Re Redraw. So Sorry!

OK... I get it. I should stop redrawing. But I just couldn't help feeling unhappy with the last ones... I was trying too hard t' ape Anders Nilsons enviable grace in drawing... But I really have to find my own voice. It's coming, slowly but surely... still a whisper, but getting louder...

Anyhow, so with these drawings I got back to old style basics.. drawn with an ink pen, and brush, then coloured with photoshop... though this is just as a colour guide... If This style is t'be the one, Abe'd like to colour by hand. either watercolour or marker pens... ho humm.

Oh boy, its crazy... I visit the Cinema where i worked for over five years, having left in Late October... and now...I know virtually no one there!

A tentative list of all the fine folk who've escaped since I did...

Sami, Kathy, David, Xoey, Lara, Kelly, Johanna, Rosie, Agnes, Luke... By t' end of this month two more are set to go.... Life moves on, people move one with and without us... But it's strange to be treated as a customer at a place I know so well, by people I dont know at all... 

Still, lots of the little hidden bits and pieces of graffiti Abe put up remain... Anyhow... I'm waffling!

Gotta love Tom Gauld's tumblr... this fellow is great, read him in the guardian review section for quite some time, and loved his graphic novel Goliath.

Probably put this up before.. But then they are me favorite band after all... and this is a great video... Beat Happening "Black Candy"

Je t'aime!


Anonymous said...

these are great!

Nervousinacape said...

Glad ye like, still in progress, but we'll see how it all comes together!