Annnndddd.... Here's the final cover for 'The Climb". I worked real hard this week on the story, and just finished it all a few mins ago! phew.
This is a 12 page comic for abe and Shamisa's lil publishing concern... we've gotten two great Comic drawers t' make us petite stories, and we should be launching early feb with the first four books! There'll be more info shortly, once we send off the comics t' the printers, we'll launch the site and shop et al! Then y'all can buy buy buy!
It feels so good t' have a focus, and to see a project coming together... we first discussed setting up a wee micropress in September, and it's been on the slow burn for a while.... But its gonna happen soon! la dee dah! I also got three more pages drawn on the poetry project mentioned in the last post... so...whoop!
It's only been possible t' get so much drawing done, cause abe's good ol ma set up this flipping awesome workspace for him in the living room (after tiring of me taking up the kitchen table with scribblin's!)
Isn't it the greatest!
In conclusion... dont got a job, dont got a room, dont got a gal, but done got me a studio space yo!
So I'm a winner. Right?!!
So... American elf ended after 14 years. sob. Ive been reading it for about 5 years when I picked up a copy o' the sketchbook diaries during my second year at uni... You should buy the books... but read it all Here
Lot's of great films coming out soon! I'm a'looking forward t' Django Unchained and new Terrance Malik... but also to No which was entirely shot on videotape, and looks to be both stylistic & have substance t' the story. so um... thats good.
Lastly... Pascal Pinon (an Icelandic Indie Folk pair o' teen siblings. and kinda talented, well, better then Jedwood anyway, eh) have released a new album but I prefer their rough unedited stuff like THIS
Peace out yo!
Oh, And heres t' a grand new year!
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